
FarGen is a project managed by the Faroese Health Authority, which is an entity under the authority of the Faroese Ministry of Health and the Interior. FarGen has currently three members of staff:

Noomi O. Gregersen, Project Manager
PhD in Molecular Biology from the University of Aarhus
Tel. +298 23 30 50

Katrin D. Apol, Information Manager
Master of Arts in Media Studies from the University of Copenhagen
Tel. +298 23 30 51

Leivur Nattestad Lydersen, LAB Manager
Graduate engineer in Biotechnology from the University of Aalborg
Tel. +298 23 30 53

Tóra Holm Jacobsen, bioanalyst

Eyð-Britt Tjaldrastein, bioanalyst


Guðrið Andorsdóttir, head of department

Bjarni á Steig, director and clinical responsible

Pál Weihe - scientific officer

Rósa Syderbø, genetic adviser