If you are considering taking part in the FarGen Project you must make sure that you are fully aware of what the project is all about. As a participant in a research project in the field of health sciences you have certain rights:
When you donate tissue (here a blood sample) to the Faroese Health Authority you are considered as equivalent to a patient receiving treatment pursuant to the Patient’s Rights Act (in Danish)
Your participation is voluntary, and before you sign any informed consent you must receive both written and oral information about the project.
You can at any time and without providing any reasons or explanations withdraw your consent. This does not have any impact whatsoever on your entitlement to public health service treatment.
You are entitled to have a relative or somebody else present as you receive oral information about the project.
You are entitled to a period of reflection before agreeing to participate.
Any information about your health that may come out in connection with the project is strictly confidential. This also applies to other personal circumstances and information about you.
Any information about you, including information from blood and tissue samples, will be stored in accordance with the full provisions of the law at the Faroese Health Authority (please refer to Data protection).
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